If you do not do God's will, you will not be saved. You will not be saved by belief in true doctrine. There is no verse that supports such beliefs. You are not saved by relying on the fact that you are a good evangelical church, because you happen to be entering the true church and trusting the right things. Will it save you? Not a bit! You will not step into the Kingdom of God with such a thing. Your evangelical belief will only bring you into the evangelical church. Or, if you are an Anglican congregation, it will bring you into the Anglican church if you believe in true Anglican doctrines. If you believe in true Catholic doctrines, it will only bring you into the Catholic church, and it is listed in their congregation. It will not bring you into the Kingdom of God. It will not bring you closer to God.
The only thing that matters in salvation is the will of God, not believing in the true creed, or the right doctrine. Although it is very important, it will not bring you into the Kingdom of God. I do not mean to say that if these things do not lead us into the Kingdom of God, then we may believe in any false doctrine.
What I mean is that believing in true doctrine is not enough to get you into the Kingdom of God. The true doctrine is only the starting point. You still have to tread the will of God. Jesus affirms this very clearly in Matthew 7:21, "Not every one cries out to me: Lord, Lord! will enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father which is in heaven. "Then who is going to enter the Kingdom of God if not they cry," Lord, Lord "? After all, the whole congregation cried out, "Lord, Lord"! Jesus said, "Only those who do the will of my Father in heaven, not those who call upon me!" Jesus said, "Do not think because you call me 'Lord' then it will bring you into the Kingdom of God. Even those who perform miracles, great works, speaking in tongues, whatever they are, will not bring you into the kingdom of God. "Those people did all those things in Matthew 7:21, but they did not enter the Kingdom God.
You say, "Wow! Then how do I get in? "Jesus said," By doing the will of my Father in heaven "; that is the condition he asked for. So do not think that because you already have a certain spiritual power, you can work miracles, then it is a guarantee for you to enter heaven. You will not go to heaven by relying on it. There is no other way but to do his will.
Jesus Himself asserted that the only way for you to enter into the Kingdom of God is through faith working the will of God. Now it is clear, without faith, you will not want to do God's will, is not it? But faith itself will not save you if it does not materialize in the execution of His will. That's what Jesus taught. Faith that does the will of God. Faith does not just believe that God's will is good but also moves it.
I often meet Christians, who never do what God wants me to do. But when they are in trouble they always find out about the will of God. It can be said that they know that God's will is good. If not, why would they want to find out? They came and asked, "How can I know the will of God?"
I'll tell them that if you want to know what God's will is, do not wait until the problem comes and do it, because, by that time, you'll find that finding God's will is tough. You should start by doing it now. Then, along with the execution, you will find that finding God's will is easy.
For those who rush to God in times of trouble, they will face enormous difficulties to know what God's will is. They find that God does not speak to them. Why? Because they just want to use God. They do not know what it means to do God's will. Only when you have a problem, you need God and want to know what God wants because you do not know what to do.
Many also run to fortune-tellers. You can use a fortune-teller. Just put the money on the table, then the instructions will get you, if it can be said as a 'hint'. You can not use God in this way. You have to consistently do God's will or, if not when the time comes, you will have trouble knowing what His will is, because at that time you just want to use Him. And God does not want to be used like this. He will not bow to us. We are to obey Him. So let's understand this clearly.
Will you direct your will to do His will?
The phrase 'Entering the Kingdom of God' used by Jesus actually means 'saved' in Paul's terms. The kingdom of God, as we have seen before, means entering into His reign. The kingdom of God means the sovereignty of God, the reign of God above us. How can you possibly enter into the Kingdom of God if you are unwilling to do His will and be under His rule? Easy enough to understand is not it?
Why is it so important to do God's will? Because God gives His Spirit only to those who do His will. It is clearly stated for us in Acts 5:32.
Acts 5:32 says the Holy Spirit, which God gave to those who obey Him. And Paul tells us in Romans 8: 9, but if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. If you pair these two verses, then you do not have to be a logician, or a math, to be able to understand them. If you want to have the Holy Spirit, then you must obey Him. Only those who have the Holy Spirit belong to Christ. Thus, only those who obey Christ are his.
Everything is very clear, and I want to ask you now, if you think you are a Christian, are you obedient in doing God's will? What kind of a Christian are you? Are you among those who think that because you embrace the right doctrine, then you will go to heaven?
If so, then I ruin your dreams. Based on Scripture you will not go to heaven that way. You must be prepared to say, "God, by Your grace, I will do Your will, all Your will." If you have this kind of commitment in doing God's will, then I can say that you are on the path to salvation. You belong to the kind of person who can enter the Kingdom of God, because you are the one who has received the Spirit of God; because you are the kind of person who is willing to direct your will to do His will.
What is God's will so important? What is the essence of His will? Why should I do His will? Why do you want to do the will of others if you do not believe in that person, if you do not love that person? I do the will of others of course because I believe in that person. If he gives me an order, I will obey him because he is the person whose consideration I can trust. If he tells me something I have to do, even if I do not understand, I will do it anyway, because I believe in his judgment and wisdom.
Why am I willing to do God's will? Because I believe in God. I believe in His wisdom, knowledge and understanding. More than that, I do it because I love Him. Why does one obey the other? One reason is because you love that person. Do not we often do the will of others because we love that person, even if he could be wrong? Thank God, there is no danger of wrongdoing if we do His will.
Yet that is another reason why we do His will. Because we love Him. Thus, we have two ground in doing God's will: the first is because we know that God's will can not be wrong, and the second is because we love Him.
Thus, doing His will will not be a burden to us. As the apostle John said in his first letter, "His commandments are not heavy." Why not heavy? Because we love Him. When you do something for the person you love, there is no burden there. Precisely happy; fun. As it is written in Hebrews 10: 7, "Behold, I come; in the scroll of the book it is written of Me to do Thy will, O my God. "Right! The true Christian is the one who does the will of God not because he feels obligated but because it gives him joy. That is the proper response for God whose love will not let us go. It's so beautiful.
What's more, I believe in God's will because I know that God's will for me is always good. This point is very important to keep in mind. Surprisingly enough, there are so many Christians who do not understand this clearly. When God says to us, "Do not do that." We feel that we are being restrained. That's wrong understanding. Very wrong! This is the reason why Eve fell into sin when she was tempted by Satan. He thinks that God is holding back something good from him, is not it? When God says, "Do not eat the fruit of the tree." If you think, "Huh! There must be something good from the tree that God forbade to eat his fruit. "This is folly! This is a failure in understanding that God's will is always based on good faith.
Do not ever think that when God says, "Do not do this or that," it means He is holding back something good from you. He never holds back something good from you. As we saw in Psalm 84:12, He does not withhold the goodness of the person who lives blamelessly. Do you have such beliefs? If not, it's because you still do not know God well.
Study the Word of God and you will find that everything God created is designed for our good. Sounds like a teacher's talk to his students, does not it? Or, like the parents talk to their children, "It's all for your good." But we're not happy to hear it. Although it is all for our good.
Research the will of God in the Scriptures, and you will find that all He wants, what He has done, all for our good and our welfare. Have you ever noticed? Is it written in the Scriptures about His will that is not for our good? Everything is an expression of His love for us. Even the pardons that parents give to their children are done out of love and concern for the welfare of the child. There is nothing that the parent does to his or her child who is not intended for the child's good. Can you have the same belief in the will of God? If you can, then you will rejoice in doing His will, because His will is for your welfare.
How can we know God's will so we can do it? Just now, we see that God's will is revealed in His Word. And how much Jesus rejoices in doing God's will, until he says in John 4:34, "My food is to do the will of him who sent me and finished his work." What he means is, "What is my food? Why am I living this life? To do God's will. God's will is enough for me. Doing God's will is what makes me healthy. "That's the pattern of Jesus' life. That's the quality of his life. The determination of Jesus in living this life is only one: the will of God, which is the food for him.
In Matthew 4: 4, when Satan tempted Jesus, Jesus said to him, "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." In other words, the Word of God is my food. I live by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Pair those verses and you will find that God's Word and the Will of God are identical. To do the will of God is to work the Word of God.
People ask me, "How can I know the will of God?" I said, "Before you ask that question, you need to ask yourself, 'Are you willing to do His will, whatever the will is? If you are not willing to do His will, it is useless to ask what His will is. '"This is very important because: Many people find out about the will of God so they can decide whether to do it or not.
If you approach God with such an attitude of heart, then you are wasting your time. God will not give you any clue at all. He does not convey his will for you to examine and approve. His will is not something you can examine and then decide whether it will be done or ignored. His will is not like selling goods in a super market, where you can check each product and decide, "I think I like this one," or, "I do not like that." You can not treat God's will like that.
You have to come to God with an unconditional commitment, a commitment that says, "God, whatever your will is, I will do it." If you can sincerely say that, then you will never have difficulty in figuring out what the will God. You may have to wait a moment, but you can be sure that you will know what God's will is about in the future. I present this as a testimony based on my own experience. He never let me be in the confusion of finding out what his will is because, by His grace, I have a commitment: whatever His will is, I will do it. Whatever it is! Can you have such a commitment?
If you have such a commitment, you can be sure that you will know what His will is. You will never be in uncertainty.
But if you come with the attitude of a shopper's heart, who says, "First of all, I want to know what His will is, and if God wants me to go to the north pole, I'll say, 'I'm sorry, God, the north pole is too cold for me. '"Then what about the Congo? "Congo is too hot for me. I mean, one is too cold and the other is too hot. Put me in an area that is not cold and not hot, just so I stay okay. And then I will do your will, as long as it is in a cool place. "
If you approach God with such an attitude of heart, you are wasting your time. God will not tell you anything. He will not say anything, because He knows that you only want to do His will as long as it corresponds to your own will. Ultimately, the final decision is within your will, and that means you are not subjecting your will to the will of God. God is subject to your will. You will never know what His will is that way. Impossible!
Only if you come to Him and say, "Lord, if it should be to Asmat or to the tribe of jambi, or in a cool place, or wherever it is, I accept it. Send me wherever you want. "You will not say," You know, Lord, I have lived in the Dayak tribe for two years, and I have suffered greatly here. What if You find me a place of service in a big city? Maybe in Jakarta? I mean, there are a lot of Christians there. There are many people who are hungry for the Word of God there. Maybe you can send me there. How? "Then I waited and waited, but I heard nothing, no response from Him.
God is actually saying, "If you want to go to Jakarta, do not have to ask me. You want to go? Just go. Want to go to Surabaya? Just go. Why ask me? "I was really able to come to Him by saying," God, wherever you send me, if it's to the tropics, that's where I'm going. If to an unreached tribe, where I will suffer more, praise your name! I will leave because I am happy to do Your Word, O Lord. Whatever it is, I accept it. "
If I can say that kindly, then He will give me His guidance. He will reveal His will for me. Of course, maybe I'll get a shock in my life! Maybe to jakarta. Can be. But His will will not be expressed before I can say, "God, whatever Your will is." Thus, you must have a genuine willingness to follow the will of God.
What Christianity is there now? We call God, "Lord, Lord," but we do our own will. That is the Christianity of this age. And we expect salvation. Of course, in the end, do not be surprised if Jesus said to these people, "why do you call me 'Lord, Lord,' when you do not do what I command?"
We want to get the best of both worlds. We want to set one foot in the kingdom of God, while standing in the world with the other foot. We want to be in a comfortable and well-balanced balance. It is called the middle way. This does not apply to God. Commit fully to His will, or live by your will and accept the consequences. There is no middle ground between them.
Furthermore, what is God's will? You say, "Well, by the grace of God, whatever His will, I understand that His will is good for me and for others. Maybe I can not enjoy it right now, but later on, I will see the wisdom of His plan. Whatever his will, it must be good, that is why I am ready to do so unconditionally, by the grace of God."